Remove the mounting nut (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-45] from the solenoid cartridge.
Installation: Tighten the mounting nut to 53 in.-lbs. (6 Nm) torque.
Remove the solenoid (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-45].
NOTE: The solenoid resistance valve is (8-10 ohms).
Remove the O-rings (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-46] from both ends of the solenoid.
Remove the solenoid cartridge (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-47].
Installation: Tighten the cartridge to 20 ft.-lbs. (27 Nm) torque.
Remove the O-rings (Item 1) and back-up rings (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-48] from the cartridge.
Clean all parts in solvent and dry with compressed air.
Inspect all parts for wear and replace any showing excessive wear.
NOTE: The screen (Item 3) [Figure 20-40-48] may be cleaned with solvent. If it is torn or worn it needs to be replaced.
Use only new O-rings and apply oil to all O-rings and back-up rings before installation.
Install new O-rings (Item 1) [Figure 20-40-46] & [Figure 20-40-48] and new back-up rings (Item 2) [Figure 20-40-
48] on the solenoid cartridge.